It can even be your own
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Dec 25 - It is Done
Beginnings and Endings all wrapped up in one special moment.
A baby born in Bethlehem, no ordinary child
The Son of God, Jesus Christ
The Renewer, The Restorer, the Redeemer
Our Lord and Saviour.
Celebrate today that Christ's coming was God's plan to bring us home to be with Him. An eternal, timeless promise... a gift.
It is done, the cry in Revelation
It is finished, the cry on the cross
It is fulfilled, the cry in the manger
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill to all men"
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Revelation 21:1-7
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Revelation 21:1-7
Song for today: Go Tell It On The Mountain
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Dec 24 - Worthy is the Lamb
A little baby born this night
Helpless in the cool of night
Yet to His side so many came
To recognize the truth in His name
Jesus they called Him
Emmanuel His name
One who saves, God with us
The One who came
God's gift of love to the world of men
That He might save and sanctify them
A worthy calling for one so small
Born in a lowly Bethlehem stall
His destiny in our minds bittersweet
To take the nails in His hands and feet
Yet to the cross willingly led
For us He died, for us He bled
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
This the song the angels proclaim
Worthy is the Lamb, the King
To Him alone your praises sing.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:1-14
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Revelation 5:1-14
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Dec 23 - Finding Jesus
God has given us all the signs we need to find Jesus. He gave the wise men a star to follow, He gave the shepherds angels to direct them to Bethlehem. He has given us His Word, the Bible, to direct and guide us in order to find His truth.
The thing about signs... we have to choose if we are going to follow them or not. Every opportunity in the world has been given us to find Jesus. Have you chosen to find him?
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Dec 22 - Finding Peace
"Now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and the glory of your people Israel.”
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and the glory of your people Israel.”
Luke 2:29-32
What a blessed truth to realize in our own lives. After we have seen the salvation that comes to us through Jesus Christ there is nothing else that we need in this life.
Jesus was presented in the temple as part of human ritual, but He was so much more than ritual for us. He truly is the light that shines into the darkness and the glory of God revealed to all mankind.
May you find the peace of Christ in your heart this Christmas.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:21-38
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:21-38
Dec 21 - Pondering Christ's Birth
Oh, the wondrous story!!
The beginning of the end of man's separation from God. Jesus came to be God with us and to shepherd and lead and guide us back to a place of harmonious relationship with God. Without Jesus this is impossible.
One part of the Christmas story that I have always appreciated is the pondering of Mary and the choice of treasures that she is illustrated to store in her heart. What are you storing in your heart? What are the treasures that you are holding onto in your life?
Do you have special family memories that come to light this time of year that encourage and lift up your heart? Or perhaps your treasures are bitterness, envy, rage, anger, broken relationships, etc... should I go on?
This is the time to take hold of the greatest treasure of all, Jesus Christ.
He came to bring us life in its full capacity to be lived, and our response should be that of the shepherds. When we truly encounter Jesus, our desire will be to tell everyone we meet of who we have met and what we have seen.
Take time to encounter Jesus this Christmas.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-20
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-20
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Dec 20 - Blessings
Not only is it a blessing to give birth to a child. The greater blessing is recognizing the Creator of the life that is so cherished.
Elizabeth proclaims the blessing that Mary is receiving from God with the honor of giving birth to God's Son. Mary in return turns the praise and focus rightly to God with her song of praise.
When you experience the blessings of life, who gets the glory?
Turn your eyes toward heaven and give praise and thanks to God for the many wonderful blessings that He provides to us each and every day.
At Christmas time the giving of gifts to one another is a celebration of the abundance that God provides us with. In giving our gifts to each other our thanks should always be directed to God first.
"Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men"
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:39-56
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:39-56
Dec 19 - Announcement to the Favored One
What is it like to be favoured by the Almighty God? What must it have been like for Mary to be chosen by God to be included in fulfilling His redemptive plan for all mankind?
The story of Christ's birth begins with Mary humbly accepting that God's ways are higher than hers, and in her willingness of heart she demonstrates how each one of us should also respond to God's gift of favour to us.
Are you willing to receive that free gift that God has presented to us in Jesus Christ. He is our Saviour. He came with one purpose in mind, to redeem what was lost, to save and restore all men unto a right relationship with God. It cost Him his life, but it was given so that we might have life. "I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10b)
You are favoured by God, highly favoured.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."
(John 3:16)
The choice is for each and every one of us to make. Will you choose to believe this Christmas. Will you accept Jesus as the reason for the season. Christ is Christmas.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:26-38
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:26-38
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Dec 18 - The Birth of John Foretold
All the prophecies of the Old Testament, all the looking forward to the coming Messiah see their fulfillment about to take place. God is the director, conductor, supervisor; the One and Only Sovereign, who reigns supreme and takes care of all the details, not missing any of them.
What a blessed thing to recognize; that God also takes care of all the details of our lives. From our inception (Psalm 139), to the very count of how many hairs we have or do not have on our heads (Luke 12:7).
So put your trust in the One worth trusting, the Lord God Almighty
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:1-25
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:1-25
Monday, December 16, 2013
Dec 17 - The Sent Messenger
The provision of God in the details of the Christmas story reveals itself in today's Scripture. The prophetic word given here is referring to John the Baptist, the messenger sent to proclaim the coming of the Lord.
Jesus is the messenger of the Covenant, the true Covenant of relationship between ourselves and God being restored through Christ.
Take time this Christmas to pay attention to the messengers that God has placed in your life to reveal himself to you. How has God been speaking to your life? Who has He brought into your life in order to draw you closer to Him? What events has God used to open your heart and mind to the reality of His love for you?
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:1
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Malachi 3:1
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Dec 16 - Your King is Coming
The declaration found in today's Scripture is most often used in connection with Palm Sunday celebrations, recognizing the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem to the shouts of "Hosanna..., Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."
At the same time it was the birth of Christ that brought the King to us. The Wise Men recognized Jesus as the King that He is when they came and paid homage to Him. The angels also sounded the King's arrival with their triumphal hymn before the shepherds.
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men."
What better good will than to have the King come. As you draw your heart closer to Christmas, have you recognized Jesus as your King?
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Zechariah 9:9-10
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Zechariah 9:9-10
Dec 15 - A Ruler for Israel
The Scriptures foretold of one who would come to be ruler over Israel, and he would be born in Bethlehem. This prophecy found its fulfillment in Jesus.
Take time today to celebrate that amid all the turmoil of life and the tumult of leadership that has existed over the years, there is one who is a constant in ruling over Israel, God.
Thank you God for being Sovereign, King of kings and Lord of lords.
Thank you for being Lord in my life.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Micah 5:2
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Micah 5:2
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Dec 14 - A Righteous Branch
In a world where righteousness and justice seem to becoming more subjective to the whim and fancy of the individual and what they deem to be right in their own eyes, the need for a universal standard of righteousness has never been more prevalent.
We find this righteousness provided for us in Jesus Christ. He who came to live among us and showed us the right way to live in relationship with God and with each other. This was only possible because He is God. Jesus is our righteousness.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:5-6
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:5-6
Dec 13 - God's Spirit is Upon Him
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river by John and the heavens opened up and God spoke'
"This is my Son, whom I love, in Him I am well pleased"
and the Spirit descends like a dove alighting on Christ and beginning His earthly ministry.
God's favor upon men began with the birth of Christ and was fulfilled in His death and resurrection.
His favor continues today in our lives. Christ promised the Holy Spirit would be with us.and He is.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 61:1-3
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Dec 12 - A Story Worth Believing
Song for today: Silent Night
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53:1-12
As you read the Scripture passage for today, the picture unfolds as to the magnitude of what Jesus has done for us in coming as our Saviour.
I encourage you to read the passage again and focus specifically on what Jesus has done for each and every one of us.
This is why Christ came at Christmas.
The following words are from the song "Man of Sorrows"
Man of sorrows Lamb of God
By His own betrayed
The sin of man and wrath of God
Has been on Jesus laid
Silent as He stood accused
Beaten mocked and scorned
Bowing to the Father's will
He wore a crown of thorns
Oh the nails that tore His flesh
The sword that pierced His side
The tree that bore the innocent
Our Saviour crucified
Oh that rugged cross my salvation
Where Your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out Hallelujah
Praise and honour unto Thee
Sent of heaven God's own Son
To purchase and redeem
And reconcile the very ones
Who nailed Him to that tree
Now my debt is paid
It is paid in full
By the precious blood
That my Jesus spilled
Now the curse of sin
Has no hold on me
Whom the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
See the stone is rolled away
Behold the empty tomb
Hallelujah God be praised
He's risen from the grave
to listen follow the link...
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song. If you do not have a Bible you can click on the link or copy and paste the link into your web browser
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song. If you do not have a Bible you can click on the link or copy and paste the link into your web browser
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Dec 11 - To Serve and to Save
The message of Christ in Christmas is not contained to one people group or nation, it is a message for each and every person who draws breath on this earth.
Jesus came to seek and to save each and every person, and He has done this by serving each of us in the ultimate demonstration of love. For greater love has no one than this, that He lay down his life for us.
Will you accept Christ's gift of service to you this Christmas? Will you let Him save you from the penalty of your sins?
Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Confess with your mouth that He is Lord and has done what He said.
And you will be saved.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7
Dec 10 - Behold the Chosen One of God
Jesus came to being justice to this earth.
To right the wrongs.
To bring us back into right relationship with the One Holy God.
He came to all who have been bruised and battered by life. To all who seem like there is no hope and He brought a faithful message of restoration. When we get in right relationship with God through Christ, we open the door to God's restoring work in all areas of our lives.
This does not mean that we get the "wants" of life, but that God takes care of us and provides for what we truly need. Our most heartfelt need in this life is for peace.
That is why the angels declared,
"Peace on earth, good will towards men."
Accept the peace that Christ brings in your own heart and life today.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Dec 9 - Our Sovereign Lord Comes
When royalty is presented it is always with much pomp and circumstance, the full red carpet treatment. Why? Because it is for royalty. It is just what you are supposed to do in these circumstances.
When God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to earth, one would think that the presentation would have caught everyone's attention, and that Jesus would have been hailed as the rightful king that He is right from His birth.
The truth is that He was hailed as the king, but the breath of His Kingdom goes so far beyond the scope of the human picture that the pomp and circumstance was presented on a heavenly platform.
Angels proclaimed "Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on earth, Good will towards men." The shepherds heard it and rejoiced after going to see the King.
A brand new star appeared in the sky hailing the birth of Christ. This precipitated an almost two year journey by some wise men to come and visit the newborn King.
So all the pomp and circumstance was there just not everybody recognized it for what it was.
Will you take the time this Christmas to recognize Jesus for who He is?
He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Honor Him today.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:9-11
Dec 8 - Our Saviour and Deliverer
Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost.
He has done so.
The crisis in each of our lives comes in deciding if we want to be saved. We have to make the choice to accept what God has provided to us freely in Jesus Christ. This the step of faith that we must take trusting that God is faithful and that He will continue to love us just as He has already done so.
We may think that it is within our own power to save ourselves, but there is nothing we can do in our own strength or devices that will accomplish this. Only God is capable.
Ephesians 2:8-9 says,
"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith,
and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God,
not by works so that no one can boast."
Accept the free grace of God in your life today and accept the outstretched arm of Christ. The benefits are everlasting.
Christ in Christmas
Take time this advent season to re-align your focus on Jesus Christ.
He is the only reason for this season.
Take time each day to read the Scripture passage and to listen to the song.
If you do not have a Bible you can copy and paste the link into your web browser
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 19:19-25
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